Pasitos In Spanish is a program for preschoolers created in 2005 by a mother with a bachelor’s degree in international studies that following her passion for children, began to teach Spanish to her daughter's little friends while they lived in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Consolidation of this program was through the experience gained while she taught the language in two Montessori educational centers.
Getting children to like the learning process so much that they get to the point of wanting to learn to speak Spanish. We intend to make the process natural and entertaining so that the little ones have the desire to continue learning words and phrases that they will introduce into the daily routine until they become small dialogues nurturing each child’s natural desire for knowledge and understanding.
Inspired on the Montessori Method we work five key areas of learning our program included Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Numbers, and Culture.
Our small group setting allows us to work with the uniqueness of the kids.
Our program is tailored to each kid. Therefore, the schedule is the same way built according with the length everyone needs.
Pasitos In Spanish is committed to reinforce the human virtues amount the participants in special way the Friendship, patience, and gratitude
Got a question?. We will love to hear from you!! If you don't see your question here, drop us a line on our Contact Form.
Come for a complementary session. If they like, they can stay!
There is not commitment at all to stay. There is not registration fee.
There are morning and afternoon sessions. Contact Us! 412-973-1980.
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